Thursday, September 3, 2009

5 Minute Video of January '09 Nica Mission

Everybody needs to watch this new 5-minute video of our last mission. Go to:

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Since 2001 I have been leading a short-term mission group to Nicaragua. We call it a Evangelical/Medical mission. with the emphasis on the evangelical. We bring between 40 and 50 people from the USA for a week. About 35% of our travelers have some kind of medical skills or training but most of us do not know anything about medicine or dentistry. But there are plenty of jobs to go around. We stage free medical and dental clinics in very poor areas of Nicaragua. We partner with local pastors to help us bring the people to the clinics that really need our help the most. Everyone who comes to our clinics also receives the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And the local pastors follow up on people who want to know more. We also sponsor other activities during the week: Pastor Training Seminars, Vacation Bible School for children age 5 to 10, our Prayer for Healing station, Home outreach to several particularly impoverished local families, we sometimes show the Jesus Film at night. ususally we sponsor a grand revival with professional musicians we call the "Campana de Jesus".

We go to the areas of the country where they have the most need. We work hard in these areas for 8-9 hours each day. But we don't work 14. At night we stay in pretty nice hotels with air-conditioning (2 to a room). We eat very good food and we always have plenty of bottled water on hand. My job is take care of my American travelers and I work hard doing that. I make sure we are safe, busy, and comfortable. Many of our travelers have come with me for several years.
But I am always looking for rookies to come with us for the first time. That is really exciting.

God always speaks to us on the mission field. When you get out of your comfort zone and thrust together with other like minded Christians. And you go to a 3rd world country and see and smell how most people live in this world. Something really wonderful always takes place. I can't describe it. But if you have been on a mission trip, you know what I mean.